Sunday, April 23, 2023

Blog Post #11- What I learned from EOTO 2

     One topic that stood out to me from the presentations was the social credit score. This stood out to me because this is not something we have in the U.S. and now we are seeing how it is being used and it made me wonder about if we try to use some kind of system like that here what would happen. The social credit score system is meant to keep track of a person's trustworthiness or even a companies or corporations. This could help benefit us because then we would be able to have a general idea of who someone or how trustworthy a company or corporation is before even meeting them. Although with how good that sounds we did also learn about a few problems that the social credit score system could cause. 

    Some problems that we could experience if we implemented the social credit system  are we would have more privacy issues than we already have and there would also be more government control. This is not something that after learning more about that I think people would for the U.S to adopt. As we already have more than enough privacy issues we do not want to make more when it would be unnecessary. The government would also have more control over you in determing where you can live, what services you can access, what jobs you would be able to get and so much more. This is concerning because it would be almost like the government is making your decisions for you on what you can and cannot do. 

    The goal of this system is so that businesses can make well informed decisions about people and know as much information about someone as they can before they make a decision about them. This is a great idea in that sense so that businesses are more aware of who they are hiring and or working with. This will be done so by creating black lists and red lists that they will put people and companies on so that others will be able to make well informed decisions about those people and so that the government can decide what you can and cannot do.

    One big problem that the social credit system could cause is people may feel discriminated against  because of what others may be allowed or not allowed to do. For example certain groups may feel they are being discriminated against because they are not allowed to live somewhere while another group of people are and they may feel that is not fair. One way that this could affect us is it would cause a big uproar in society and they would say that the government has too much power and we are being discriminated against. 

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