Friday, April 21, 2023

Blog Post #10- The Diffusion of Innovation

     One piece of technology that I think is interesting to look at through the diffusion of innovation is the iPhone. This piece of technology has greatly evolved through the years and has had multiple different upgrades causing different generations to adopt this new piece of technology at different times. I think some people caught on to the purchasing of iPhones because they saw other people purchasing them and wanted to feel like they were included in the group of people who had the newest phone. I also think people may have been curious about the new piece of technology and wanted to see how it works and if it is convenient for them to use in their daily lives. People may have also wanted to see how this kind of phone compares to phones that other companies have made and which one is the better phone.

    I think that some people bought these phones more early on because they may have been younger generations who were more intrigued by the new technology. I also think that the younger generations want whatever is the newest and in that case most of the time there is a new iPhone coming out each year and they want whatever is the newest looking product. 

    On the contrary, I think that older generations are less likely to adopt this new piece of technology because they don't like the change of their technology to a newer technology. Along with that they may be against having to learn how a whole new phone works and would rather just stick with what they know works for them. Some people have still chosen not to adopt the use of the iPhone at all, I have my own family members who still will not get an Iphone because they don't want to learn how to work a whole new phone and would rather stick to the use of a flip phone. This is also the case with many other people because they are reluctant to have to learn how to use an iPhone.

    One downside to the iPhone is that it has greatly decreased the amount of privacy that society has. Along with that people now spend a great deal of their time on their phone because the iPhone has so many possibilities as to what you can do on it. For example kids will spend time watching TikTok or scrolling through the social media platforms when they could be outside or spending time with family.

    I chose to adopt the idea of the use of the iPhone relatively quickly compared to everyone else in my family. I saw all the benefits that it could give me and I decided that it outweighed the negatives as long as you use it the correct way. Although others in my family have chosen to not adopt the use of the iPhone at all. They believe that there are more negatives that come with the use of an iPhone and that they can function in their daily life the same and if not better without the use of an iPhone. While I also have family members who are late adopters and after they saw how much it benefitted my life they also decided that the positives outweigh the negatives.

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