Friday, April 21, 2023

Blog Post #7- The Age of AI

     Artificial intelligence is something that is relatively new to most people and something that scares a lot of people including me. One thing in this documentary that really stood out to me is the self-driving cars that they invented. This is a big innovation that if it was implemented in the U.S. it would change our Society greatly. One negative to this is thousands of people would lose their jobs as the self-driving vehicles wouldn't require people to have to work anymore. This would cause a large uproar in our economy and is one reason why this artificial intelligence is frightening because of how many people would end up losing their jobs. Along with that there are some safety concerns that people may have and is why people may be so against this kind of artificial intelligence.

    Another form of artificial intelligence that we are already seeing being used in China is that people are able to pay just by having their face scanned at the register. I think that this can be very concerning because then they are able to track where you are at and exactly what you are buying. This can also be concerning because the people can begin to wonder who that information is being shared with and what they are doing with that information. This then also makes it so that we don't need cashiers and therefore more people begin to lose their jobs. This will eventually lead to there not being enough jobs so unless you have a high up level job you may end up losing your job or not being able to find one.

    Robots are a big part of artificial intelligence and when I hear someone talk about robots I immediately think that they are humans, just more technological and I begin to wonder if they will eventually take over everything. They are already causing more people to lose their jobs and eventually we will find a way for robots to be able to do every job that we have. Robots will also have the ability to find out more information about us which then also makes people worry about whether or not we will have more and more privacy issues.

    Overall artificial intelligence is something that is scary and I think everyone should be frightened about and should be learning more about. This will cause for multiple people to lose their jobs and eventually lead to a crash and then we will have to find a way to come back from it even though we already will have all the technology at that point.

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