Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Final Blog Post

     My relationship with technology in my opinion is extremely unhealthy. When I compare myself to my family and friends and their relationship with technology I see a very big difference in how much technology I use compared to everyone else. I think that I let technology consume most of my day when I could be outside doing things. What I have noticed though most things in my daily life require me to to use technology. I think that it is unhealthy that in today's society we have to use technology for school along with entertainment because I feel that is a main reason why my relationship with technology is so unhealthy. 


    I think technology is making me smarter yet also in ways giving me misleading information. Certain social media platforms like Tik Tok  will tend to put out false or misleading information making me confused about what I can and cannot believe. One way that technology has made me smarter though is that I am able to watch the news everyday on television while also being able to use the news apps that I have on my phone which will give me accurate information. Along with that certain social media apps like Instagram allow for news organizations to have their own social media platforms, which then makes it easier for teenagers like me to get our information sooner and more often. 

    Overall I think that our society has learned to accept the amount of time we spend using technology and the amount of misleading information we receive from finding information when using technology. I have noticed that as time has gone on older generations have stopped caring so much about the amount of technology we use and they have also started to adopt the use of more and more technology. Along with that I have learned to trust everything you hear and see on the internet and that it is best to look on other websites to see if they are giving out similar information or complete opposite. This is also a good way to test which new sites are trustworthy and which ones have certain political views that others may not have.

    When I see how my family is affected by technology I think it has made a big impact on the amount of time everyone spends together. I have noticed that normally everyone spends their time using different types of technology and it has prevented us from spending as much time together and has made an extremely large negative impact on our relationships with each other. I think that partially the fact that now we use technology so much in school and in work that we are obligated to use so much technology and have it consume our daily lives. Along with that my family and friends use technology in order to communicate with each other therefore we feel the need to constantly have some sort of technology on us at all times. 

    I do not personally have a very large online footprint as I try to stay off of many social media websites and when I do use social media I do not post very much and I am very careful about what I choose to post. When searching my name on the internet the only thing that comes up that is about me is one picture of me from middle school when I was down the shore. Everything else that came up was about different people with the same name and there were also no social media accounts that came up that were mine. Along with that there was nothing bad that came up and when looking at my social media accounts everything that I have posted up to now in my opinion would be appropriate for others to see.

    Some social media websites that people can find me linked to are InstagramTik Tok, and Snapchat. From looking at my accounts here people would think I am a very reserved person and don't tend to share a whole lot about myself on the internet. The only kind of personal information that I share on these are my other social media accounts that I have. Other than that I tend to only give my email or phone number when signing up for a membership or account with a clothing or makeup store in order to receive discounts. I never feel the need to share my personal information with others on social media because with today's technology you have no idea what they are able to do with that kind of information.

Final Blog Post

      My relationship with technology in my opinion is extremely unhealthy. When I compare myself to my family and friends and their relatio...